Steering FAQ
Part Numbers
IH Price List
Oil Pressure
727 Rebuild
Maintenace Info for Scout II's

Here is the maintenance scheduale and spec info for a Scout II.

IH Gasoline Engines:
Temp range      Viscosity
20 to 120 F     10w-30, 10w-40
                20w-30, 20w-40

0 to 90 F       10w-30, 10w-40
                20w-30, 20w-40

-10 to 70 F     10W-30, 10w-40

Below -10 F     5w-20, 5w-30

All oils must be at least classified
as "SE" or "CC"

Engine oil should be changed at least
every 3000 miles. Personally, I do mine
about once a month.



Check level monthly.
Change fluid and filter
every 35000 miles.
Dextron/Mercon Automatic
Transmission Fluid


Borg-Warner Tranny

Check every 5000 miles.
Change every 35000 miles.
Temp              Viscosity
below 0 F          SAE-80
Below +32 F        SAE-80 or 90
Above +32 F        SAE-90 or 140

Transfer case:

Check every 5000 miles.
Change every 35000 miles
Temp              Viscosity
above 0 F          SAE-90
Below 0 F          SAE-80
above 90 F         SAE-140


Check level every 5000 miles.
Change fluid every 35000 miles.
Use SAE 85w-140 type SP
With a Trak-lok rear add 20cc of
Limited Slip additive every 10000 miles.

Wheel bearings

Front wheel bearings should be repacked
every 12 months or 15000 miles.
With disk brakes use a high temperature

Grease all tie rod ends and U-joints
every 5000 miles.

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