Answer these questions to determine your level of addiction. 1. Do you own more than one IHC vehicle? Yes No 2. Do you look for other IHC's to buy? Yes No 3. Do you have, or wish you had, a sticker on your IHC that reads, J##P'S SUCK? Yes No 4. Have you ever gotten up in the middle of the night just to look at the possibility of a spring over conversion or an on-board air system or some other modification? Yes No 5. Have you ever gotten up in the middle of the night just to go for a ride in your IHC? Yes No 6. Has your significant other told you that you will have to decide between your IHC and her, and all you could think of was what her portion of food money would buy for your truck? Yes No 7. Has your significant other accussed you of being addicted to online porn because you stay up till 3 AM every night surfing the IH Webring? Yes No 8. Have you had a tetnis shot in the last 3 years? Yes No 9. Do you ever just lie under your truck staring up at the engine and front suspention? Yes No 10. Do you get upset when someone says, "Who owns this J##p out front"? Yes No 11. And finally, Do you get all excited and start yelling when you see a IHC vehicle in a movie or on TV? Yes No Name: Your E-mail Address: So, if you have answered yes to more than three of these questions, than you are getting hooked. If you answered yes to four to six of these questions than you are in serious trouble. If you answer yes to seven or more than there is no hope for you and if you answered yes to number six than you may want to consider phyciatric help.
1. Do you own more than one IHC vehicle?
Yes No
2. Do you look for other IHC's to buy?
3. Do you have, or wish you had, a sticker on your IHC that reads, J##P'S SUCK?
4. Have you ever gotten up in the middle of the night just to look at the possibility of a spring over conversion or an on-board air system or some other modification?
5. Have you ever gotten up in the middle of the night just to go for a ride in your IHC?
6. Has your significant other told you that you will have to decide between your IHC and her, and all you could think of was what her portion of food money would buy for your truck?
7. Has your significant other accussed you of being addicted to online porn because you stay up till 3 AM every night surfing the IH Webring?
Yes No 8. Have you had a tetnis shot in the last 3 years?
9. Do you ever just lie under your truck staring up at the engine and front suspention?
10. Do you get upset when someone says, "Who owns this J##p out front"?
11. And finally, Do you get all excited and start yelling when you see a IHC vehicle in a movie or on TV?
Your E-mail Address:
So, if you have answered yes to more than three of these questions, than you are getting hooked. If you answered yes to four to six of these questions than you are in serious trouble. If you answer yes to seven or more than there is no hope for you and if you answered yes to number six than you may want to consider phyciatric help. Dennisville, NJ 08240 United States