This is a list of different part numbers.
All Part Numbers are NAPA #'s unless
noted otherwise.
U-Joints Front & Rear Drive Shaft:
NUJ 369 $8.69
Holley Points Distributer:
48-44821 $111.30
Note: Core deposite is large
take the old one with you.
Cap and Rotor:
(for Holley Points)
FA98 $12.71
FA85 $4.34
(for Prestolite Electronic)
AL162 $23.56
(Borg-Warner PN)
AL163 $8.51
External Ignition Resistor:
IRC13 $8.90
Coil For Use With Holley Dist.
IC12 $33.72
Plug wires for Holley Dist.
Champion 700166
Starter Solinoid:
ST124 $31.79
Rear Axle Bearing for D44
Set 10 $27.27
Rear Axle Oil Seal for D44
47466 $13.49
Rear Axle Pinion Seal for D44
15788 $6.74
Front Axle Bearing for D44
Inner Bearing
BR50 $13.49
Outer Bearing
BR35 $12.69
Front Axle Oil Seal for D44
Front Axle D44 Ball Joints
Upper Joint
260-1343 $23.75
Lower Joint
260-1342 $23.02
PCV Valve for V8
2-9213 $2.79
Air Filter
2061 $6.49
Tranny Rear Output Shaft Seals (727)
17386 $8.49 (Note, need two of them)
Oil Pan Plug Kit
704-1060 $4.49
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Dan Nees
Dennisville, NJ 08240
United States